STUDENT Block hours
During any SEP(l) Training the STUDENT will be granted a special block hour price for all hrs. need to accomplish the trianing and pass the examination flight. You pay what you consume!
- BEW 845kg / Pay Load 355kg / 1.200kg MTOW
- 230l JET-A1/0,8kg/l approx. 25l/hour fuel flow @75% @130KTAS
- 4 doors (PIC/CO/PAX/CARGO)
- G1000NXi - self protection system
- Traffic alert incl. Flarm alert
- OX for 1 Crew 3 Pax
- EU IR & VFR Charts
- Stormscope
- Fight Stream 510
- USP powersupply
Terms & Conditions
Min. OPS Requirements:
MANDATORY: all valid EASA regulations have to be fulfilld by PICs (pilot in command) responsibility. Renter = PIC. PIC can also be assigned by renter but had to be certified, checked out and approved by AAAH.
- Renters Approval (Check Flight & Emergencies)
- valid LAPL(A)
- valid Medical LAPL(A)
- 90 days on Type
- no commercial use for renters, except Wingly OPS
- Grass runways are not automatically approved. Please see approved grass runways for corresponding aircraft @ our booking tool!
- Admin fee: No fee - already included into students program!
- Min. usage/Year: No min. usage/year!
- Approach and Landing fees, except at Airport LOWK (Klagenfurt) have to be paid directly by renter. Otherwize a 15% admin fee will be applied for payments through us.
- Fuel add: Due to econimcal situation a fuel add to rental minutes can any time be applied. Customer will be informed on monthly base. Base of fuel calculation was 1.8€/l JET-A1 @ LOWK (Klagenfurt) 2021.
€ 321,00 Regular Price
€ 255,00Sale Price
VAT Included