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FRTOL - Flight Radio Telephony Operator License


Communication is one key element in aviation. It is of utmost importance to be able to communicate in a precise, efficient and fluent manner. This is our job … really it is our daily business, as we are working as Air Traffic Controllers. With a combined experience of 30 years, we would like to provide you with the necessary skills, tools and knowledge to receive your AFZ (Allgemeines Sprechfunk Zeugnis für den beweglichen Flugfunkdienst). This lays the foundation for your profession and enables you to focus on your most important task: flying the aircraft.

To get a first impression we would like to introduce ourselves.


Susanne has not only been working at Austro Control for 17 years now, but also holds a CPL IFR with experience up to Citation Excel. Furthermore, she is a qualified trainer/assessor and therefore is capable to develop a high-quality training for your individual needs. Florian is employed at Austro Control for 14 years. He is a glider-pilot and also working as a trainer and examiner. We both believe that good communication facilitates our daily business and enhances safety.

Our primary objective of this training is your radio license, but there is more: We want you to feel comfortable and confident using the radio, being able to manage even complex situations with ease. With this in mind we developed the following program:


  • Theory-Basics: On the one hand for your exam (questionnaire), on the other hand to get an extensive view beyond that
  • Special translation exercises English-German
  • The main part: Practising your radio-communication skills in exercises derived directly from reality


We will combine these three elements to fit each trainees’ individual needs – online and face to face.


To guarantee the best possible outcome, we will tailor our teaching to your individual needs (e.g. training in English only). Our profession and professionalism make us understand both worlds. Over the years we’ve grown our own bag of tricks (both as pilot and controller), which we are willing to share. We can combine this set of skills with a flexible time-schedule.



Entry Requirements:

  • Age 15 years - skilltest not before < 16 years  glider or <17 years pisten powred planes


Privileges and conditions

The FRTOL Flight Radio Telephony Operator License grants you the right to operate radios for aviation purpose  on ground and/or in air.



  • Training - All inclusive! One-One or Class Room

    1. Administration fee at Alpe Adria Aviation Academy
    2. Classroom Training 
      • Traing material ( Advanced FRTOL  books)
    3. CBT Training (Computer Based Training) 
      • iOs & Desktop APP login @ AIRACADEMY
      • PEXO - Education Progress Check
      • Online Questions Trainer @ AIRACADEMY
  • Skill Test

    At the end of your training and when all requirements for licence issue have been met, you will need to take a skill test at Austria or Germany Telecommunication Authority.

  • Terms & Conditions

    Althoug the price is based on "fair use" and represents an all inclusive amount we will re-charge the student for any hour after passing the target hours for the Training course. 

€ 1,00Price
VAT Included |
Anker 1
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